About 20% of all headaches are caused by a problem in the neck.
This can be a result of:
- nerve irritation in the upper part of the neck
- stiffness in the joints of the neck, or
- areas of sustained muscle spasm in the neck or shoulders
If headaches are caused by the neck there is often a history of neck injury, like whiplash or sporting injury. Poor posture is linked with headaches specifically rounded shoulders and protruding-chin postures when sitting. These can cause headaches when sustained for long periods, for example when working at computer screens.
Treatment will consist of:
- Reducing joint stiffness with manual techniques
- Treating tension and muscle spasm (trigger points) in the muscles of the neck.
- Retraining and strengthening muscles around the neck
- A home exercise program to increase and maintain strength and flexibility of the neck
- And postural education and advice (including taping if necessary) to prevent re-occurrence.