Exercise really does save lives …
A recent high quality research article studying the effects of physical inactivity (and other risk factors for morbidity) published alarming results. They demonstrated that low physical fitness, as measured on a walking treadmill test, resulted in extremely high mortality rates, and suggested that low fitness kills more Americans each year than the combined effects of smoking, diabetes and obesity. Here’s a link to the article for those who want to read more …
Moderate fitness, defined as walking for 22 min a day, resulted in a 44% reduction in mortality. A simple 1% reduction in physical inactivity, year over year for the next 9 years, will save half a million lives each year. Imagine what could be achieved with large reductions in physical inactivity.
All physiotherapists, doctors, politicians and parents should read this!
Also of interest is the following editorial, from the British Journal of Sports Medicine – http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/47/1/3.long